You’ve memorized the Spring seed catalogs and have created elaborate garden plans, which means it’s time to get outside for winter yard chores. Even with some snow on the ground, there are things you can do to prep for the season to come and give your garden and lawn a jump-start on Spring.
Spring Cleaning
Not just for walls and windows, your landscape can also benefit from a thorough Spring scrubbing. Now’s the time to:
- Remove any clutter that remains from last season and fix, clean or remove garden and patio furniture.
- Do some basic weeding around gardens to make perennials more visible and uncover any problems.
- Examine outbuildings like potting sheds or playhouses that have been vacant over the winter months.
- Check corners and roofs to make sure that the structures are still sound.
Clean off patios and decks and check for damage that needs to be repaired before the summer entertaining season.
A Clear Path
As the snow melts, check all walking surfaces, such as paving stones, cement blocks and concrete or asphalt, which can crack during the winter months. If there’s damage, replace sections now or consider installing a more flexible material like gravel. Be aware of roots and water drainage near walk ways, as these can cause damage to paths.
Watering Holes
If you battle with the same puddles or muddy areas every Spring, use this time to make note of how they are forming. Is there run-off from gutters or a leaky pipe? Consider installing drainage systems to reroute the water to areas of the garden where it is needed or shape your landscape so the water runs naturally to other places.
Prevent Weeds
The softer, wet soil of this time of year makes weeding easier, which means you can get more done in less time. You can also take steps now to help reduce future weeds:
- Prune bushes to reveal the location of weeds and make them easier to remove.
- Add mulch to the top of your garden beds to help keep weeds at bay.
- Add more plants to reduce the space for unwanted weeds.
Plant Pruning
Late winter and early Spring are the best times to prune plants in order to keep them in shape throughout the summer.
- Prune smaller plants or remove them entirely if you need to make space in your garden.
- Prune shoots off of trees to control which way your smaller trees grow this year.
- Tidy up hedges to make a great first impression.
Because pruning is stressful for plants, make sure you do so only on ones that are dormant and during cool days.
Prevent Bugs
If mosquitoes and other insects have ruined your past garden, deck and patio occasions, get a jump start on preventing them now.
Remove any sources of standing water such as stagnant ponds, bird baths, clogged gutters, wheelbarrows, children’s toys, etc.
Examine your siding and the areas around windows for softness. If you find water-damaged areas, have a professional look at them right away. These can attract bugs and can also lead to mold and structural concerns.
Fix holes in your roof, siding, and attic. Wasps would love to take up residence: make your home less friendly to them.
One of the most important things you can do to preserve and protect the appearance and structure of your home is to maintain your gutters. Learn about how Gutter Maids can help.